Friday, May 20, 2016

Homemade Swarm Traps

Yes, I broke down and purchased these paper machete flower pots. I watched all the videos and read many articles explaining how this works but the curious cat in me got the best of me so I had to try and see if it would work.

Swarm Trap 8ft in a tree, secured
I ordered the smaller sized ones and coated the outside with Thompson's water seal. I left them to cure for a long time, probably months before I actually ventured to make one. I placed 4 or 5 in various locations and caught a swarm with one of them. The success in catching one I believe is mostly due to timing, then location and lastly what is used to bait it. This trap was hung up in the prime of swarm season, the location is one that is known for an area where beekeeping has formerly existed and the lure inside included old comb, honey and lemon grass oil.

Under the lid, see the Queen?
Old comb and New comb
Once the trap was hung approximately 8 feet above the ground. It only took about 24 hours before a swarm of bees relocate to this temporary home. I believe they were already looking for a home and I happened to provide them one, just at the right time.
Rehomed swarm to a hive 

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